Durga Puja 2021 COVID complaince guidelines

Hereby the COVID compliance guidelines along with entry requirements for Durga Puja 2021.

  • Event registration tickets (printed or digitally)
  • Valid ID
  • Corona admission ticket (CoronaCheck app QR) for everyone 13 years and above

Corona admission ticket will be the QR code generated in the CoronaCheck app after Digid login or in printed paper format through https://coronacheck.nl/en/print/.

You can get corona admission ticket in any one of these three ways:

1. Proof of vaccination:
Both doses of corona vaccination with an EU approved vaccine.

2. Proof of recovery:
Certificate Proof of a positive corona test of at least 11 days and a maximum of 180 days ago.

3. Test evidence:
A negative test result less than 24 hours before the time of your visit, you can get tested for free via https://www.testenvoortoegang.org/.

To get more information on the Corona admission ticket, please visit – https://www.rijksoverheid.nl/onderwerpen/coronavirus-covid-19/cultuur-uitgaan-en-sport/coronatoegangsbewijs.

Entry timings: (entry and check-in is allowed only within the below time windows)

  • Mornings: 10:30-13:30 hours (CET)
  • Evenings: 17:00-20:30 hours (CET)

Important pointers:

  • Please make sure to install the CoronaCheck app on your smartphone, login with your Digid and have the QR code ready before coming to the venue.
  • We will validate the CoronaCheck app QR, Durga Puja tickets QR and your ID during the entry. Please make sure to keep your phone charged.
  • If you have purchased the tickets on behalf of your friends/family, then please make sure to pass on the Durga Puja tickets to everyone. We need to validate each individual visitor, including kids 13 years or above.
  • If you have been vaccinated outside Netherlands, please visit – https://www.rijksoverheid.nl/onderwerpen/coronavirus-covid-19/coronabewijs/vaccinatiebewijs/gevaccineerd-in-het-buitenland to check how you can get corona admission ticket and upload the vaccination proof in the CoronaCheck App.
  • If you are visiting us on multiple days based on test evidence, then each day entry will be validated against a seperate test result, with each test being done within 24 hrs of the day entry time.


  • As per self declaration during event registration, attendee(s) shouldn’t attend the event if they are serving a quarantine period or having COVID symptoms.
  • Online registration and tickets are mandatory for all visitors. Unfortunately this year we won’t be able to accomodate on-spot registrations or direct walk-in’s.
  • Please note any interaction with the general public poses an elevated risk of being exposed to COVID-19 and we cannot guarantee that you will not be exposed while in attendance at the event. We encourage you to follow our guidelines, as well as RIVM laws and restrictions.
  • Mask is not mandatory, but we encourage and advise you to wear a face mask all the time when you are inside the hall and in close contact with other people.
  • Tickets are non-refundable and non-transferable.